Dear users, greetings and salutations!

To access all the services you must first sign up:

1- Enter the home page of the website and click on the ‘sign up’ option.

2. Enter your information and click on “I am not a robot” and wait for the green tick to appear.


  1. To ensure more security please choose a complex password.
  2. If you do multiple registrations from one system, the "I'm not a robot" section may have a visual question that you will need to answer correctly.
  3. In this section, you will be required to fill in your basic information only. However,  after logging in you can go to the profile section and complete your information.

3. Now click on the sign up button and if you see no errors on the page, the signup operation is successful and you will be directed automatically to the users panel.

4. After logging in to the users panel, click on profile and complete your information in order to gain access to the courses.

5- Carefully complete your information in the profile page.

  1. The selected photo must be less than 1 MB
  2. Please be aware to enter the email id and the contact number correctly, as our contact will be via email and SMS.

In the next tutorial, we will explain how to work with the user panel.

Good luck