Greetings and regards to all our dear users and those interested in religious sciences.

It is necessary to register on the site to take advantage of its features such as access to, audios, videos, the text of the courses and participate in exams.

To register, you can use the tutorial provided herein.

Note: Be sure to have an active mobile number and an email ID before you start the registration process

1. Enter the homepage of the site and click on the ‘Login/Sign up’ icon.



2. Once the registration window opens, fill in the required information and click on ‘Register’

Note:   a. Enter the mobile number without inserting zero ‘0’ and, use a complex password for the security of your account.

            b. Please enter the country code without inserting zero (for example, number 98 for Iran)


3. After completing this step, your registration will be completed and you will be taken to your dashboard.

(In this section, complete your account information and be sure to fill in all the starred items, you can also upload your profile picture in this section.)

Note 1: In the "Email" field, please enter your full e-mail address, for example, [email protected]. After completing the user information, refer to your email inbox to activate your email. Note that the verification email may have been transferred to the spam folder. Thereafter, open the verification email and click on the sent link to activate your email on the website. 

Note 2: In the "Mobile" field, please enter your mobile number with the country code and without the zeros (0), (for example, 989120000000) and by clicking on the "Send Code" icon, confirm your mobile number (a four-digit verification code will be sent to you and by entering it, your mobile number will be confirmed in the system)

Note that after confirming your mobile and email on the site, you can use them to log in.


4. In the "Qualification degree" field, you can select "seminary" education option, and after selecting the degree you have completed, you will have to upload a picture of your transcript or seminary degree with a picture size less than 100 KB

Note: The advantage of this option is that after uploading the degree, you can get in touch with the website support on WhatsApp or Telegram at +1 202-505-4811 and request access to higher semesters appropriate to your academic position.

Finally, by clicking on the send icon, your user information will be sent to the site and you will be able to take advantage of all the features available on the site.

We will be with you in future tutorials on how to work with the personal dashboard!