2022-03-17 13:03:16

Summary of Logic (Lesson 1)

  Summary of Logic is the title of lessons about logic, i.e. the rules of correct thinking to draw proper and right conclusions. [...]
2022-03-17 11:30:28

Sharayi' al-Islam (Lesson 1)

  Sharāʾiʿ al-Islām fī masāʾil al-ḥalāl wa l-ḥarām (Arabic: شَرائِع الاسلام فی مَسائِل الحَلال و الحَرام), known as Sharā'i', is a well-known work in Imamiyya fiqh (jurisprudence), written by Abu l-Qasim Najm al-Din Ja'far b. al-Hasan al-Hudhali, known as al-Muhaqqiq al-Hilli or al-Muhaqiq al-Awwal (d. 676/1277). Shara'i' is a comprehensive book of Islamic [...]
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