Aqaed, Islamic Beliefs
Syed Ibne Abbas Naqvi

Aqaed, Islamic Beliefs

Aqaed i.e. beliefs is the title of lessons about the belief system of Islam in brief and as a whole discussed through the five fundamental beliefs i.e. Tawhid, Justice, Prophethood, Imamate, Resurrection.

  • Q&A

  • Book for Pre-Hawza Aqaed course

    Dear sir, Just want to confirm, is there any text book for the pre-hawza aqaed course? If yes, please share. If no, please recommend one so that I can follow along. Jazakumullah. Syed Hasnain.

  • Salam. Fifty Lessons On Principles Of Belief For Youths by Makarem Shirazi

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