Imam Sadiq Online Seminary offers heartfelt condolences on the occasion of 25th of Shawwal, the Martyrdom Anniversary of the cornerstone of Islamic Sciences,

Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him)

As we commemorate the Martyrdom anniversary of the pillar of Islam; the one, who made use of all his means to promote knowledge and invite people towards the path of righteousness, let us review one of his precious narrations. Once a ninety-year-old person named ‘Unwan Basri asked the Imam for advice to which the Imam replied;
“I advise you to nine practices, which are essential for those who want to attain proximity to Allah (s)- I pray that Allah (s) helps you in implementing them-. Three are related to the training of the body, three are (in regards) to moderation and self-control, and three pertain to science; remain steadfast to these pieces of advice, do not set them aside and do not underestimate them.”

‘Unwan Basri says I prepared to listen, as he began:

“The three pieces of advice that pertain to the body are,

-         Do not eat food when you don’t have an appetite for it as it causes foolishness and ignorance;

-         Do not eat until you are hungry

-         When you want to eat, eat Halal, and mention the name of Allah (s)…

The three traits that pertain to self-restraint:

-          If someone told you “say one and hear ten,” say [in response] “if you say ten you won’t hear even one;”

-          If someone slandered you, say if what you say is true I pray to Allah (s) that He forgives me, and if what you say is false, I ask Allah (s) to forgive you;

-          And if someone threatened to harm you, advise him and pray for him.

But the three traits that pertain to science:

-          Ask the scholars what you don’t know, and never ask (when your intention is to) test their knowledge;

-          Don’t be self-opined (when you don’t have knowledge) and always keep vigilant;

-          Be careful in issuing a judgment (on matters that you are not qualified) just as you fear a lion, and don’t make your neck a bridge for people to cross…”

The Imam left behind endless scientific findings to lighten up people’s lives, make the truth apparent for them, and lead them towards the light. It is reported that during the final hours of his life, he said to gather all his family members and near ones. When all of them had gathered around him, the Imam said, “Our (Ahlul Bait) Shafaat (intercession) will not reach to those who degrade and undervalue prayers.”

The death of the Imam (peace be upon him) was a huge loss for humanity, especially the Islamic world. Sound of mourning rose in the houses of Medina. People hurried towards the body of the Imam (peace be upon him). They were all mourning, weeping for losing the Imam (peace be upon him). It was a shocking event for all believers.

Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him), with a broken heart, prepared the corpse of his father, while tears were flowing down from his eyes. He washed his holy body and enshrouded him. After preparing his body, Imam Musa (peace be upon him) performed the death prayer while hundreds of believers prayed with him. His holy body was carried with high glorification while the people were severely weeping and at the same time, they were talking about the huge scientific capabilities of the Imam (peace be upon him), which encompassed various scientific fields.

Imam Musa (peace be upon him) ordered to lit a light in the house that the Imam (peace be upon him) passed away. The light stayed there every day until the Imam (peace be upon him) was arrested in Iraq.

We offer our deepest Condolences to his Grandson and the Imam of our time, Imam Al-Mahdi and, ask Allah to hasten his reappearance.

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