Imam Sadiq Online Seminary offers heartfelt condolences on the occasion of 30th Dhu al-Qadah, the Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Jawād, the Generous (peace be upon him)


Ibn Asbat and 'Ubbad b. Isma'il reports, "We were in the presence of Imam al-Rida (peace be upon him) when Abu Ja'far, Imam al-Jawad peace be upon him was introduced to us. We asked, 'Is this the blessed child?' Imam al-Rida (peace be upon him) said, 'This is the child, no more blessed than him is ever born."

Indeed, the Imam was a source of blessing to everyone around him. So much so that when he wanted to leave his premises his servants would take him out from the small door least someone became envious of the grace and goodness delivered by the generous Imam. Upon knowing this Imam Rida peace be upon him wrote to his son saying,

‘O Aba Ja’far! I have heard that your servants take you out from the small door of the house. They are envious lest someone takes or sees goodness from you. My son! I swear you by myself that your coming and going should only be from the big door of your house. Whenever you go out, take some money with yourself.

If someone asked help from you, grant him something. If your uncles and cousins asked you, grant them not less than fifty dinars. More than this amount is up to you. If your aunts asked you, give them not less than twenty-five dinars and more than that is up to you. I pray that the Almighty Allah gives you a high stance. Give alms to others and do not fear poorness!’”

The generosity displayed by the Imam obliges those who adhere to his teachings to be generous especially in these times of the pandemic. One must remember the near and dear ones and try to help them as much as they can for surely this is something taught and practiced by the great Imam, Imam al-Jawad peace be upon him.

On this day let us ask Allah (SWT) for the sake of the generous Imam to Hasten the reappearance of our beloved Imam, al-Mahdi (AJTF).


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