Imam Sadiq peace be upon him Online Seminary offers heartfelt condolences on the occasion of the Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari peace be upon him.


Imam Hasan Askari peace be upon him, spent most of his time in Samarra, which was a garrison town. He was in constant house arrest and under the watch of the Caliph of the time. This made it difficult for the Shias to access the Imam and ask questions to him regarding faith. One of the important tasks of Imam Askari peace be upon him was to prepare the Shias for the times when they wouldn’t have easy access to the Imams, especially during the time of the occultation of the Imam.

Once Imam Askari peace be upon him was asked about the situation wherein the Shias don’t have the opportunity to regularly visit their Imam and ask their questions. The Imam, quoting his great grandfather, Imam Sadiq peace be upon him answered, “It is upon the people to follow the one who has a deep understanding of the religion, is pious, takes care of his religion, acts against his carnal desires and obeys the command of his Imam.”

Many a time, even during the time of the presence of the Imam, the Imam would entrust the scholars with responsibility and would instruct the common people to follow and refer to them. In one such instance, Ahmad ibn Ishaq, a companion of Imam Hasan Askari peace be upon him narrates,

“When Imam Hadi peace be upon him passed away, I went to Imam Askari peace be upon him and asked him, ‘O My Master! I don’t have the opportunity to be in your presence all the time. who should I accept and whom should I obey?’ He answered, ‘Abu Umar is a trusted and honest man in everything. What he says to you is on my behalf and what he declares for you is on my behalf.'”

Therefore, the Imam laid the foundations of a system wherein everyone has a cornerstone to refer to in matters of faith. This institution is nowadays called Marjaiyyah.

The opportunity to learn religion is provided for everyone and is not limited to a particular section of the people. Allah encourages everyone in the Quran [9:122] to come forward and learn religion to first get an insight into the religion, secondly to act upon their knowledge and purify themselves and, thereafter guide the people towards the Imam. 

Due to recent times, wherein traveling to Islamic seminaries is difficult and not possible for many, Imam Sadiq peace be upon him Online Seminary covers all the subjects taught in the physical seminary with the comfort of studying them at your pace for those who truly seek to learn and have an insight into religion.

On this Day we offer Condolences to the Imam of our Time and Ask Allah to hasten the reappearance of the Imam and free us from the pain and misery of being separated from the Imam.